
Fields & Topics
Sequence analysis (alignment)
Gene expression and regulatory networks
Ubiquitous Computing
Human activity recognition
Human behavior monitoring
Pervasive healthcare
Context-aware computing
Natural Language Processing
Legal text processing
Social media text processing
Discourse processing
Sentiment analysis & Opinion mining
Structured prediction
Recommender Systems and Information Filtering
Collaborative filtering
Hybrid recommendation
Recommendations for online forums
Contextual advertising
Study and Development of Platforms for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Application Deployment on Web Portals of State Agencies
PI: Associate Professor Tu Minh Phuong
This is a national research project (KC01) funded by Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology. The goal is to study methods and develop platforms for AI application deployment on the web portals of ministries, provinces, and cities. The platforms can provide services for web portals: 1) collecting, analyzing, and visualizing user behavior; 2) predicting and recommending user needs to improve user experience; 3) analyzing legal documents and answering some types of frequent asked questions in the legal domain.
Automatic Question Answering for Vietnamese Transportation Law
PI: Dr. Ngo Xuan Bach
This is a research project funded by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam. The goal is to study methods and develop an automatic question answering system for Vietnamese transportation law. Based on machine learning and knowledge-based methods, we have built successfully a system that can answer various types of questions about fines and instructions of cars, motorbikes, and other vehicles.
Automated Monitoring Respiratory Symptoms Using AI and the Internet of Things
PI: Associate Professor Pham Van Cuong
This national research project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology for the investigation and prototype of IoT based wearable devices and machine learning methods for automatically detecting and monitoring respiratory symptoms such as abnormal breath, wheezes, snores and cough from sensory signals. The symptom information is provided to the doctors and caregivers for supporting COPD and Asthma patients.
Controllable Silicon-Photonic Network-on-Chip via AI
Co-PI: Associate Professor Pham Van Cuong
Funded by Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VinIF), this project is to investigate and prototype the next generation of chip based on photonics that can enhance the performance of training and testing AI and deep learning models. The prototyped chip is expected to significantly improve computation efficiency as well as energy savings.
Real-Time Fall Detection Using Heterogeneous Sensors
PI: Associate Professor Pham Van Cuong
This project is funded by the Ministry of Information and Communication for the development of the fusion method that combines accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetic sensors to unified framework for the real-time detection of fall. The premilarily results have shown the fall with various postures would be detected with over 90% accuracies.
Smart Shoes for Unobtrusive Human Activity Recognition
PI: Associate Professor Pham Van Cuong
Funded by the Ministry of Information and Communication, this work is to protopye smart shoes instrumented with tiny wireless sensors (developed by Open Lab. Researchers) in the Shoe’s insole for automatically recognizing everyday human activities. Our results demonstrated that movement activities such as walking, running, jumping, going-up stairs, going-down stairs etc. can be recognized with over 94% accuracies in an unobtrusive manner.